It’s Been Five Years since Art and Josh began the Pilates For Men journey. The subject of that new body in 30 sessions (in 60 days) was, of course, Art. That’s me! So I wanted to post a check-in for those friends who followed that journey. Many of you know it turned into a full time opportunity for me at Pilates Sports Center, and it’s been a fabulous five years, though, with most weight loss goals, even when the challenge has been accomplished with fantastic results, there can be a let-down at some point. Sadly, real life has me behind my desk for too long on most days and my Pilates workouts have simmered down to once per week, with one day of Spin sprinkled in, and of course, my big Sunday bike ride is still firmly in place. That translates to 3 days per week of working out. Seems like enough, right? 3 hard workouts coupled with sensible eating? Aha! that might be the culprit right there. For if there was one big asterisk that should have been associated with the Pilates For Men Challenge, it would have to be the ‘diet’ I put myself on. Which was Jenny Craig. JC, was the savior, for sure with that 60 day challenge, but I didn’t stay on it, opting instead for eating healthier and being in charge of all things entering my mouth. That’s not the best recipe for lasting success for a sugar monster like myself.
So where does that leave me? Fortunately, not as heavy as when we began the PFM journey those 5 years ago. Unfortunately, not as lean and mean as I was in my ‘after pics’ either. Exercise has kept much of that unwanted fat at bay, but it’s certainly been creeping up, and I’m tired of it. So what is the plan? Let’s get back to what made me successful in the first place. More PILATES! But this time I will be coupling it with The Dolce Diet, 3 Weeks to Shredded! When I get a little braver, and have more results to post, I’ll show you some before and after pics. Let’s see where this train takes me.

This was my dinner last night from The Dolce Diet
I will leave you with this, taken straight from his book; last night’s dinner: chicken breast sauteed in grapeseed oil, tomatoes, onions and spinach sauteed in grapeseed oil, and a fuji apple. Man was that delish! More updates to come soon! Thanks for following.