As Pilates Sports Center’s DVD library has grown, we came to an inevitable conclusion that at some point we would need to enter the new age of digital downloads. That time has come and we are proud to be green (as an option) and are now offering any of our Burn at the Barre dvd’s on sale at
As an added benefit in keeping landfills clean of old DVD’s, CD’s, etc, you can have our workouts instantly available to you. No more waiting 3 to 5 business days when you are ready to get your groove on asap!
As a thank you for being a pioneer in the digital download space, we are offering a special deal to you! Get $5.00 off when you order any of our three Burn at the Barre DVD products, and enter the coupon code, 16430 into the PROMO SECTION. This deal ends February 28th, so go check it out now!
We sincerely hope you enjoy PSC’s latest and greatest attempt to stay current with the technology age and in bringing you awesome content to your iPad, computer or television. Let us know your thoughts!